Weekly Wellness Minute: The Power Of Learning To Accept Influence from Your Significant Other
Date:Monday September 19, 2022
First responders are often “Type-A,” have strong personalities, and are typically very good at making decisions. Lives often depend on their ability to quickly evaluate a situation and make a call.
Decisiveness can be extremely valuable, but it can also become a roadblock in relationships. Check out this short video on an easy way to open lines of communication and help your relationship thrive.
For more relationship tips for first responders, check out these links:
Tips for Fostering Positive First Responder Family Relationships
Being Their Rock: Tried and True Tips for Fostering Positive First Responder Family Relationships
What Keeps You Safe on the Job Spills Over at Home
Lighthouse Health & Wellness Weekly Wellness Minute video series is brought to you in part by FirstNet, Built by AT&T.